Bell County TX Genealogy and History
Bell County Cemetery Central
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Photos provided by: Lynette and Tommy Davis
Quinteros, Pauline S and Rafael M
Randel, Alfred L
Ransdell, Clifford and Ruby
Rash, Jimmy and Linda
Rash, Kenneth R
Ratliff, Celestial A
Ratliff, Eloyes Larry Sr
Ratliff, Eloys
Ratliff, Helen Reese and Edward D
Ratliff, Lottie Mae
Ratliff, Lucretia
Ratliff, Vernon T Sr
Ray, Leroy
Rayson, Marvin Bennie Jr
Ream, Frederick
Ream, Patricia A
Reed, Eliza
Reed, Florence
Reed, Hazel M
Reed, James Jim
Reed, Jimmie L Sr
Reed, Johnnie Mae
Reed, Johnnie Marie
Reed, Mattie L and Rev J R
Reed, Sylvester
Reeders, Catherine and John
Reese, Rev Dock U Sr
Rench, Clifford H
Renteria, Eduardo and Jo Ann
Reynolds, Donald M
Reynolds, Ila May
Reynolds, Ruby
Reynolds, Wanzo Jr
Rhodes, Dianne Busby
Rhymes, Beulah
Rhymes, Pleas
Rice, Maggie
Rice, Viola and George
Richardson, Lois
Richardson, Mary L
Richardson, Ralph J
Richmond, James
Richmond, Mavis Pauline Teague
Riggins, Jessie M
Riggins, Ruth Ann
Riley, Carolyn
Riley, Johnnie Lee
Riley, Judy Ann
Risby, Mozelle
Risby, Robert L (military marker)
Risby, Robert L
Risby, Shirley M
Rivera, Betty R
Rivera, Casimiro
Robbins, William Bud
Roberson, Darby
Roberson, Lonie
Roberson, Sidney and Susie Mae
Roberts, Minnie
Roberts, OR
Robertson, Minnie Lee
Robinson, Annie E Webster
Robinson, Baxter Charles
Robinson, Cecil Melvin
Robinson, Ceola
Robinson, Cherrie B
Robinson, Doris A
Robinson, Esther L
Robinson, Floria F
Robinson, Glenetta
Robinson, Lee T
Robinson, Louise Mitchell
Robinson, Loyd A
Robinson, Nathan Jr
Robinson, Olear Lee
Robinson, Ural and Constance
Robinson, Vernon M
Robinson, Willie Abenter and Mary Lee
Rodriguez, Francisco C
Rodriquez, Roque
Roe, Bennie
Roe, Hattie D
Roe, Henry
Roe, Ida Mae
Rogers, David and Betty
Rogers, David F III and Peggy A
Rogers, Vastine Jr
Roper, Bobby R
Roper, Hiram E and Inez Agnes
Rorie, Brenda J
Rorie, Lee Thomas
Rosas, Juan
Rosas, Juana
Rose, Anthony Earl and Margaret Nell
Rose, Freddie Lee
Rose, Lou Ether
Ross, Ardelia
Ross, Francis A O'Connor
Ross, Jesse
Ross, Luther III
Ross, Mamie Palestine
Ross, Manuel Curtis
Ross, Zack
Roundtree, Hallie M Flakes and Andrew M
Roundtree, Willie Mae and Marshall
Rourke, Myra D
Rourke, Peter F Jr
Rouse, Kathryn Mae
Rowe, Cecil and Patsy
Rowe, Hollie M
Roy, Ervin P
Royal, Harold Emmett and Marcella Dean
Rucker, Rev Ernest Millard
Ruffin, Elizabeth
Ruiz, Estefana Vera
Russell, Sidney T
Sadler, Johnnie Mae
Salisbery, Jacob Sr
Salisbery, Pearlie
Sams, Janie (Mrs)
Sams, Mae Dell
Sanders, Alma
Sanders, Lindy
Sanders, Pearl
Sanders, Pless Jerone
Sanders, Roy Edward and Jerodine
Sanders, Willie B
Sanderson, Alice M
Sansom, Ora Lee
Sartor, Sandra Sue
Sauls, Earl Lee Sr and Georgia Lee
Sauls, Ola Royse
Saunders, Juanita M
Sayles, G A (Mrs)
Schlickeisen, Roy B
Schroeder, Olga and Lonnie
Schwertner, Peggy J
Scott, Charlie M (Mrs)
Scott, George L
Scott, John L
Scott, LeRoy
Scott, Mary Elizabeth
Scott, Percy A
Scott, Willie Pand Lillie Mae
Secrett, Willie L and Beulah L
Seidling, Frank N and Roberta A
Selby, Delorise Brwon
Seymore, Elizabeth Wilson (Mrs)
Shanklin, Raymond G
Shanks, Cassie Louise
Shannon, Annie Mae
Shannon, Trent
Shapard, Bettie C
Shaw, Eddie B Sr
Shaw, Effie Mae
Shaw, R Earnestine
Shaw, Tom Jr
Shaw, Willie B
Shelton, Charles Ed and Barbara Jean
Shelton, Edward and Edith Joyce
Shelton, Jessie
Shelton, Lorene
Shepard, Florence
Shepard, Joe Jr
Sheppard, Emery
Sherman, Bobbie L and Mary M
Sherman, Richard Allen and Kim Ok Cha
Sherrill, James E and Jimmie Ruth
Shilo, Addie
Shilo, Joseph Sr
Shoaf, Edward Lee
Shoaf, Gracie Mae
Shoaf, Ilas
Shoaf, Mattie Lugene
Shores, Golden Ray
Shores, Rosa Bean
Simcik, Helen
Simon, Joe
Simon, Lucy
Simpson, Birdie
Simpson, Edgar Lee
Simpson, Margie H
Simpson, Ruth J
Slauson, Sybil
Slider, Alvin Sr
Slider, Frank E
Slider, Raford A Jr
Smalley, James A
Smallwood, George and Pearlie
Smallwood, George B Jr
Smallwood, James K
Smallwood, Rilla J
Smith, Annie Bell
Smith, Annie Lee
Smith, Carl D and Freddie L
Smith, Charles L
Smith, Deborah Goodrow
Smith, Earl and Ineta
Smith, Earl Jr and Annie L
Smith, Earnest
Smith, Effie B
Smith, Houston
Smith, James O and Marilyn J
Smith, John Edward
Smith, Kathleen A
Smith, Kent C
Smith, Leeanna
Smith, Maggie
Smith, Phyllis Banks
Smith, Richard L
Smith, Ruthie M and Obrey C
Smith, Thelma Wells
Smith, Wendell DeWayne
Smith, Wendell F and Diane
Smith, William Bryan
Smith, William Louis
Smith, Willie C and Johnnie M
Smith, Willie C
Smith, Willie
Smith, Willis
Smith, Woodrow
Smitha Preston and Betty
Smitha, Jesse T and Michelle
Smitha, Preston Mack Jr
Smith-White, Blanche Helena
Sneed, Rudolph D
Snell, Ann
Snell, Robert l Sr
Snell, Robert Lee Jr
Snell, Willie
Snively, Charles and Mamie Bell
Snowden, Dovie Lee
Soders, Lois K 1
Soders, Lois K
Solis, Celestino R
Solis, Josephine
Solis, Senon S
Soliz, Gloria M
Solomon, Cedell
Solomon, Odelsia L
Sorrells, Josephine 1
Sorrells, Josephine
Spates, Laura B
Spates, Rev Johnnie
Spencer, Leroy
Spruce, William E Jr
Spurlock, Leverma
Spurlock, Luther
Spurlock, Mary
Stafford, Mattie Scott
Standard, Bertillie E
Standard, W Duane
Standard, Willis and Helen
Staples, Belzora
Staples, Mary Lou
Staples, Opal L
Staples, Thomas and Bertha
Staples, Verney Sr
Steger, Stanley and Ione
Stell, Rosie
Stephen, Katherine Knox and Milton
Stephen, Sullivan N Jr and Kate R
Stephens, Cleo
Stephens, Renita
Sterling, Charlene J
Stevens, James C
Stevens, Mary L
Stevenson, Carol L
Stevenson, Clifford and Fannie Mae
Stevenson, Mable and Henry
Stevenson, Minnie
Steveson, R Q and Irene
Steward, Allen Sr
Steward, Arnes Brown
Steward, Dorothy Lowe
Steward, George
Steward, Kevin Wayne
Stewart, Addie V
Stewart, Nealie
Stewart, Tillmon
Stewart, Winifred D
Stimpson, Rae Ella
Stimpson, Thomas Elroy
Stone, Alice
Stone, Dorman B
Stonum, Bessie
Stonum, James Edward
Stonum, John Sr
Strayer, Dusty A
Streater, Ardella
Streeter, Wilbur
Summers, Esther K
Summers, Theodour Albert
Swan, Henry
Switzer-Newton, James L and Edith F
Sykes, Florence J
Syndram, Theresa
of 297
Steward, Dorothy Lowe
Copyright 2011 by
Joe D. Deaver
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